Friday, January 9, 2009

Owl's Life

I was once called an Owl, why? ‘coz they say I have big eyes, especially when I’m surprised or trying to intimidate someone. But for almost a year now, I’ve been living a life of an owl. Well, setting aside the big eyes issue, it’s coz I’m working graveyard. Don’t ask why I’ve accepted that kind of life coz I myself don’t want to remember why I did that.
Since the new me is optimistic, I want to remember the advantages I’ve liked being an owl, coz who knows, I might miss it soon.

- Night differential. Talk about the money.

- No traffic. Coz you’d always do the opposite of what the normal human beings do. (You go to work – Normal people go home, vice versa).

- Happy bank account. Coz you save more. So many reason why:

a) No gimmicks on Friday night.

b) Too tired to go out on Saturday, better sleep.

c) You do not need to buy prepaid credits since you wouldn’t have that much textmates, not unless your sweetheart is a guard or taxi driver.

d) No after-work shopping, coz malls don’t open at 6am and you’d be too lazy to wait for the 11am opening.

e) No weekend shopping. Coz you’d rather sleep. In short, the mall will be missing you so badly.

f) No dates/gimmicks. Coz your sweetheart or even friends live a normal life.
(Not unless you have a nice sweetheart who will have a midnight lunch date with you).

g) Lastly, lesser medical bills, coz you’d be too scared to visit your doctors. What you don’t know won’t hurt you, not unless it’s hurting you already.

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