Friday, January 9, 2009

Life's Offer

Climbing up to maturity exposed me to a lot of decision making. Choices which carried me to where and who I am now. And from time to time, I always hear this phrase “Life’s a choice” Whatever perspective you look at, this is the hardest to apply coz you’re too aware that whatever you decide will definitely affect how you’ll be in the future. And sometimes, people tend to think that delaying or not choosing will be the safest, without realizing that they’ve already made a choice. Honestly, I’m one of the guilty parties here. Before, whenever serious decision making is needed, I normally ignore and let it pass me without deciding on anything. I always think of what it’ll do with my future, and when ideas pop up, I get scared and won’t decide anymore. That’s normal, coz you know how to apply the rule of forecasting, which is good coz it makes you anticipate things, however, too much will lead you to where you started, that’s nowhere. As I said, I’m guilty of this coz I used to be very futuristic. But as a changed woman, I came to a point when I realized that deciding on what’s the impact now is better. Ofcourse, you need to add up alittle forecasting, but you should never let it pass you undecided. The best thing to do is, internalize what you really want, decide, and then be happy regardless of the result (good or bad). Don’t look back and move forward. Why am I sharing this now? It’s ‘coz at this very moment, decision making stroked me again. And finally after sometime, I’ve decided. This one is surely not an ordinary thing, it’s way too complicated. But I just feel lucky and blessed, coz I have been offered with an opportunity that I both appreciate and would like to grab, if given a chance. But life’s isn’t perfect, you can’t stand at the both side of a tunnel, so I had to decide and give up one. And the thing that I gave up is the one that I used to wait for. I used to think that could make me happy and can give me bright future. But, when I decided today, for the first time, I didn’t think of the future, I just thought of what I want now and what could make me happy now. And from there, I chose. Right now, I can’t say it’s the best decision, coz I’m fully aware that it’ll surely give me a hard time, the choice I’ve made will surely test me, but I still choose it coz I know it’s what I want at the moment. And from there, whatever hardship I’ll encounter after this, I’m very much willing to face it and just continue moving forward.

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