Saturday, January 10, 2009

Adios 2008

Today might be the last day I’d get the chance to be online since I’d be in my hometown the rest of 2008, and I wouldn’t want to miss the chance leaving this year without proper goodbye.
2008 is one of the best year I had so far, best may even be an understatement. It was too great that I can’t imagine how many things squeezed in just a year, but I’m so glad and thankful that it did. It was a perfect mixture of happiness and sadness that eventually made me the person that I am now, the person that feels so great in every perspective.

Talking ‘bout happiness, this year I was able to travel a lot and meet both my old and new friends. I have gone to Cebu, Puerto Galera, Nueva Vizcaya, Banaue and Baguio. I’ve been able to be in touch with my college friends that I haven’t seen in the longest time, both from pre-com and accountancy. I was able to establish real closeness with my family than I ever did. And lastly, I have met new friends and best friends that I know I can trust and build long term friendship. :)

But there were also too many goodbyes this year, start it off with the end of a 5-years relationship, relatives and friends that have gone to the next life, and just recently, my bro going abroad. Goodbyes are the saddest thing but I got immune to it as I grow up just by the number of times I’ve transferred schools and home address, however, this year’ goodbyes felt different coz despite the pain and the sadness, it gave me a lot of lessons and a new insight on things. Now, I see goodbyes as a new beginning of greater things in life, so I don’t fear and be too saddened by it. More, it gives me happiness and excitement to face the new challenge of a different world. :)

Other than relationships, travels and goodbyes, I’ve learned a lot of new things this year too, from attending French classes and leadership/ business seminars and reading books. But the best lessons I’ve had were the wisdom learned from the experience of hardship. It is so true that beyond failure and disappointment, a great treasure is hidden. :)

If without the support of my family, friends and my creator, I don’t know how I’ll ever survive 2008. I almost had the intention of losing life, but thankfully a proper light came to me to appreciate the greatest thing that happened to me, and that’s realizing the great power of my mind and my light. :)

2009 has lots of predictions especially both on global financial and environmental crisis. Most people aren’t aware of it, and worse, don’t even care about it. But despite, I feel like I’m ready to face 2009, having with me the lots of things I’ve learned this year that will help me survive another challenging-fun year. :)

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