Friday, March 6, 2009

Why I want to be a core team?

Nowadays I’ve been attending a community where they empower people, not just by their words but also by their sincere effort to listen to you. In the past, I’m more of a talker, but since last year, I started to become more of a listener because I realized that I’ll expand my horizon more if I’d listen. Student of life as I am, I think listening helps me grow more of a person. And pro-balance as I am, I believe that a person should be a listener and a talker, just like a giver and a receiver. :)

I’m glad I’ve been able to be seeing this community and more, I do hope I’d be a part of it soon. :)
But before I can become one, I have to answer the why? My official list is done separately, but here’s the summary of why:

- I share the same vision of making PI a first world country. Possible? Ofcourse it is, nothing is impossible!:D ;
- I want to be financially literate and FREE;
- I want a fast track life and living my desired lifestyle;
- I’m focused and determined person, when I put my priority, things happens for me, lucky me. :)
- I want to surround myself with like-minded people;
- I want to be a student and meet one of my mentor in life;
- I want to walk the talk;
- I want to ACT;
- I want to BE;
- I’m strong willed and I know I can do it. :)
- And lastly, I want to take part in spreading financial literacy. I want to be a mentor myself, walking and talking the truth of the fruit of my step to be a core team. :)

I’m very much aware that it’ll be hard, I’d risk a lot, will accept a lot of criticism and may bump into failures, but as I always believe in, its better do something than wonder forever with what ifs. But I’m very much positive if not all, there’s still a lot of Filipino’s that are open-minded, they just need the proper information and proper mentor. :)
Just like what my friend said to me yesterday, the mere fact that I’m sharing this here, blogging and talking about it, shows I’m brave enough to face the consequence of what other people will react to this. And I guess I am naturally risk-taker.
I just have one life, and I’ll never know until when it is, I’d rather be free to do things now than secure myself and restrict it just because I’m thinking too much of the consequence. I’d act now, before life just passes me by. :)

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