Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Trying Times

Nowadays, it’s everyone’s favorite word. From the newspaper, magazines, internet, etc. it’s the main story that’s closely looked at by people from all classes.

Someone has said that “if things are easy then it wouldn’t be worthwhile”. In line to that, someone also said, “Be thankful that things aren’t easy for it only mean it’s not yet the end”. It does make sense coz life, indeed, is really worthwhile and that I still don’t like it to end.

These days I should say have been one of those days I call, CRAZY. My spirit in totality is being tested again. From my own health, work responsibilities/opportunities, family matters, supposed-to-be school matters and my future activity. Trying times is amazing coz it was able to do much in span of almost two weeks, capturing all the areas I’ve just mentioned. Just today, I’ve handled two, both personal and professional. Today I had to stand between an institute versus my own brother which resulted to a bit messing up my professional side. I’m not good in disappointing people and at the same time I’m not good of confrontations and expressing myself verbally, but now I’m trying to look at things in whole picture. I don’t panic and decide the most logical and ethical way. That’s the reason why I always think that you should never let down your guard for you’ll never know once these things hit you. Good thing I’m having the proper mindset that I’m able to handle it all without being stressed out. Although at times, it makes me want to faint, just to exaggerate.

In times like this, I just need to dust myself off and carry on, in addition to thinking through and preparation. I know my priorities now; I’ve already set and decided to stick to them. Good thing I did coz without it probably I’d feel tired and lost again.

As I’ve mentioned a few days ago, I’m about to sail, and I won’t let all these things stop me to where I’m going. AJA! :D

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