Sunday, March 15, 2009

Habit 2: Begin With The End In Mind

I’ve once read that the difference between a winner and a loser is the ability of the former to create his/her blueprint. Most of the time people hate contemplating about life and their action, but they always wonder why life’s so hard. And when asked what’s their life’s all about? They’d either make fun of you thinking you’re some kind of retarded or they don’t know the answer.

Recently, I’ve discovered that life isn’t really hard if you know how to play it. When I say play, I don’t mean to make fun of it, but just like any other sport life has its mechanics and tactics that you can learn to for you to result as a winner and happy. Sadly tho, most people aren’t willing to learn how to play it or even avoid the topic.

In the past, I seldom contemplate about life and me. I was one of those people who think reflecting and meditating is boring and weird. But now, different as I am, reflecting and contemplating have been one of my consistent habit. For sure, it’s weird for most but I’m pretty sure some loves it. J The change is still unfathomable for me until now but I love how it is. Coz I feel I’m more in control of myself and my life the day I started to contemplate about it.

During one of the leadership training I’ve attended, we had an activity to create our EULOGY. EULOGY is like a written statement about you that people will talk about during your own funeral. When I’ve looked at the instruction, I had goose bumps because during those times, death is like something I don’t want to talk about. (Ofcourse, that’s another thing that changed too). At that moment, I didn’t know what to write, reason maybe I was too stunned or I really didn’t know what to write, I was lost too. But now, in five minutes I can tell you what I want to hear in my EULOGY. Scary? Nah, it isn’t. :)

Begin with the end in mind is like writing your own Eulogy. It will consist of things that you want people to remember about you. Like what kind of character/attitude you have? What kind of relationships you’ve built? What kind of work/contribution you’ve left? And what kind of advocacy you’ve supported?

It amazed me to discover that life can be your own blueprint, as always, Life’s a choice. Ofcourse, there are things beyond your control but despite those, it all comes down to your OWN choice. Everything in life has 2 creations, 1) the blueprint and 2) the result. With the blue print we see what we want to happen, like how big the house, how many bedrooms and if it has garden or pool. On the other hand, the result is the output. The actual house you were able to build.

The same thing goes to our own life. Most people feel lost with life because they don’t have a guide, a blueprint to look into. That’s why everything they do is based on the current state or other people’s opinion/standards.

Each of us has our own unique blueprint, a unique purpose, a personal mission statement. If you’d contemplate about it, most of things have. Companies, schools, athletes, organizations, etc. Everything has their blueprint, a mission statement that they look into as basis of their way of service and operations. Sadly tho everything has that people follow to, but most people don’t have their own self. And now I understand why people will most likely can’t answer what their purpose is.

Although our mission statement is something we can do but it can’t be done overnight. It’s a continuous process to build but the core value is in there. Such mission statement will guide you in your decision makings with life coz you have a principle and values you can base upon.

Once you begin to have this, you slowly see life as easy as shopping. Hehe. I’m just exaggerating but once you do, slowly you’d be able to see a clearer picture of what your life is really all about. Also, you’d be amazed to see the change you’d have that’s in line to the blueprint you created. Don’t wait for your own funeral before you realize what you really are and what your life is all about. :)

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.
- Oliver Wendell Holmes

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