Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Filipina Girl: Will You Make The First Move?

I was typing this blog when suddenly my sis interrupted me and asked me a survey question from COSMO that she wanted me to answer so she can get freebies. After answering her question, my attention focused to the current month topic, that’s “Would you make the first move with a guy you like?” hahaha, just exactly my topic right now. :)

I’m a proud pinay, raised and lived n PI for 22 years. I can’t say I’m Maria Clara but I’m not too liberated either. I still have this ideal pinay values that’s being reserved and shy especially on topic of love, guys or even dating. These traits sometimes make me proud but at times make me feel uncomfortable. Uncomfortable coz I know it’s not that practical to be like this nowadays.

With a regular guy, I mean, friend, I can approach and talk to them so casually, but when it’s the guy I like, I don’t know why I tend to be really shy and reserved. If it’s an ordinary guy, it’s too easy for me to invite him for lunch or to ask help on something, but when it’s him, damn, too hard coz I’m too conscious, guilty as it is. That’s the usual pinay attitude that I want to change but I’m still trying my best to do so.

Answering the topic, will I make the first move? I guess my answer will be YES but not to the point I’ll push myself to the guy. I’ll give him some signs but if he doesn’t read it, then it’s his loss. Hahaha.

Honestly, it’s easier said than done. Coz right now, I do like someone. For me, I’ve already gave him signs, but as my friends say, looks like he doesn’t know how to read it or maybe he’s just not interested. Some says how can I say so when he may not even know? Coz I don’t say it directly to him? That he may probably be clueless?

That’s the sad part being a “Filipina girl” coz all I can do is wait for the time he’ll realized that I’m giving him signs. Worse, I might wait in vain. Hahaha. I’m dying to tell him that I really do like him, to know him more, it’s not that I fear rejection (partly) but more of the Filipina culture of “nakakahiya coz I’m a girl” keeps me from doing so.

It’s a choice anyway, to wait or to try? For now, I’ll wait for the day he’s not too busy and too preoccupied to finally see me. Until when? Till the feeling is here. :)

It’s almost valentine, and I’ve already accepted the fact that this will be my first “alone” valentine after 5 years. Huhuhu. But that’s okay, he’s probably busy for now, but I do hope that someday, he won’t be. :)

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