Tuesday, February 17, 2009

8,280 Days

It’s my 8,280th days living, assuming there’s an average of 360 days per year. Haha. Today I’m both happy and sad. But thankfully I have more happiness than sadness. There’s only one thing that saddens me and that's the absence of someone who’ve always made this day really special for me. That’s the only sad part but other than that everything else is great.

Here are the reasons why I feel happy that I chose to continue living despite the tragic and disappointing event that happened to me in the past 360 days. And that’s:

- I’m grateful for life itself coz it feels like I was born again into a totally new person, I felt it’s for the better which most people agree to;

- I’m grateful for HIM who continuously light me in my quest to this jungle called life;

- I’m grateful for my family who guides, loves and cherish my existence;

- I’m grateful for old best friends for sticking with me thru laughter and tears, especially on
those days I really needed someone to lift me up, literally. As well as for the new friends who
keeps me sane and laughs with me thru stress and craziness;

- I’m grateful for people who opposed me for they made me stronger and persevere more;

- I’m grateful for those who criticized me for they taught me how to accept failure and be humble;

- I’m grateful for the over workload that stressed me out a little for they made me confident and believe in myself more;

- I’m grateful for the people that trusted me for they made me realized my potentials and to learn some more;

- I’m grateful for the one I like for he makes me smile;

- I’m grateful for the guy who broke my heart, for he made me discover and appreciate myself, my life and life itself;

- And lastly, I’m grateful that I’m alive.

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