Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Simple Life

Oh Philippines!

I duno how many times I’ve said these two words, whether I’m happy saying it or not. And I know a lot have already listed things they’d like and hate about it. Some tag it as “PI”, which I thought then as “P***** Ina”, later on I knew that it means “Philippine Island”. But other than the endless comments I hear about PI, I wonder what more can I say. I’ve already lived in PI long enough to know that it is one of the best paradise in this planet. And honestly, I’ve always believed that it is ‘til I was exposed to the lifestyle of other countries. And what’s with them that PI doesn’t have? “SIMPLE LIFE”

I’ve once watched “Simple Life” starring Paris Hilton. And whenever I watch it, I’m not sure of what I’ll feel. Sometimes I’m mesmerized by Paris classiness, but half of me wants to laugh and cry with what they call, “A Simple Life”. I’ll repeat that word in my head then sigh, “Oh Philippines”. And why? Geez… their simple life, is the life I’ve always dream to have.

What’s that simple life anyways? Just a two-storey house enough for regular family and one to three “regular” cars. Plain and simple. Is it?? Errrr…

For some of the “blessed” pinoys out there, it is simple, but for MAJORITY of “will be blessed” like me (*wink*), it’s something I have to work hard for. And what’s dreadful sometimes is I’m thinking how long before I’d have it? Accountant as I do, I’ve calculated it. And the burden of years, I’ll keep it to myself. Such burden however, is only applicable if I’d rely ONLY thru EMPLOYMENT.

Simple Life is a LIFESTYLE, a way people wants to live. At that day I’ve think of having such “simple life” plus realizing nthe burden of years I have to take, started my quest to BUSINESS and INVESTING.

The more I knew about it, the eager I was to KNOW MORE. For not only the money interests me but the LIFESTYLE, that simple life. Abundant life of money and time.

Then I realized why majority of Pinoy in PI do not live a simple life in our own paradise? That’s cause Pinoys focus too much on EMPLOYMENT. Then who does live abundantly here in PI? Aren’t they mostly CHINESE? Do you still wonder why? What does Chinese focus on? Now, do you see the difference???

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