Saturday, April 25, 2009

A Piece Called CA2020

In grade school, I’ve been exposed to the mainstream of high rise buildings in Ayala, Makati. My mom has been working all her life as an Accountant and she was a great influence on why I pursued my profession as Certified Public Accountant. At a young age, I was mesmerized by the glamour of the corporate world for the high profiled job and office my mom had back then left a huge difference in me. And like the usual parental advice, I’ve studied hard and diligently reviewed to pass the board exam. Fortunately, I’ve passed it and got jobs on good firms in the country. But as I’m living and working in the corporate world, the glamour I’ve used to believe in did not shine the way it used to.

Three years after college, I’m now at Ayala, Makati working in a multinational oil company with a high profiled job inside a luxurious building with my own desk complete with all the things I need to work well. In such time, I was recognized and promoted to a leadership position. I am grateful with the recognition and trust but deep within I knew something’s missing. I’ve worked hard and reached the positions I’ve aimed for but slowly I started to see and realized that corporate world wasn’t the place I want to grow and live with. I started to realize that this world is taking too much of my time but doesn’t provide me that much financial freedom. As I stay longer, the more I valued my youth and time that I rarely have because I have too much work in my desk. Then I felt something’s not right and I started to look for that missing piece until one day, like a light of bulb, I found the piece that completed my puzzle. That piece of puzzle is called Create Abundance 2020 Business Community (CA2020).

Before I’ve found my piece, I’ve searched my soul by reading a lot of books, attending seminars and a solo road trips to places just to reflect. All the soul searching was beneficial and fulfilling but still I felt the emptiness of that piece until one day a friendster message have solved and changed my growing puzzle.

CA2020 means a lot to me, it’s my school, my battlefield and my family for I own and breathe with it for I’ve found a new form of living that supported my beliefs and desires. In this community I’m learning to be a good player in the game of business and life. Every day I spend is a day of empowerment and positivity. In this place I can be both at my best and not-so-best for it doesn’t criticize and accepts failure as learning ground. It’s a place for me to learn and re-learn by empowering others and be empowered. In here I’m enhancing all the skills of business, people, leadership and personal that I needed to truly succeed in life. And with these powerful people surrounding me, success in all aspect isn’t too far and hard at the same time, I’m enjoying my most valuable asset called TIME. :)

Isn’t it a marvelous piece of puzzle to find a place where you learn and grow as a person, meet and cultivate people, and you’re earning yet you have all the time in your hands. It sounds impossible but it’s existing for a lot of us have already found it. You just have to ask yourself if you have the same missing piece that you need to search on for who knows you’ll find the same piece I’ve had.

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